To ensure the safe use of plant protection products (PPP) and biocides, the European regulatory system requires an assessment of the environmental risk to bees (honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees). Staphyt built a dedicated team to bees trials to provide an accurate response to our clients demands. Staphyt’s BeeTeam brings together regulatory experts, ecotoxicologists and field specialists, dedicated to support our clients through residue and ecotoxicology trials on pollinators.

Staphyt is able to conduct field and laboratory studies in compliance with « Good Laboratory Practice » and according to the OECD Guidelines, with complementary expertise to assess both the potential exposure and effects of chemicals on bees.

Residue trials

Honey and other beehive products residue studies in semi-field conditions

Field trials provide valuable data to assess the potential exposure of foraging honey bees to agrochemicals residues and the dietary risk to humans following consumption of bees products.

To respond to a growing demand from our clients related to new environmental requirements of the European directives, Staphyt has for several years developed a department specialising in beekeeping experimentation to carry out various types of studies with honey bees, bumble bees and solitary bees, in open field or in insect-proof tunnels. Staphyt is also able to carry out residue studies (Maximum Limit Residue) on beehive matrices (pollen, nectar, honey, wax, bee bread, flowers and forage bees) according to document SANTE/11956/2016 rev. 9.

With the combined expertise of Staphyt’s Bee Team, consisting of regulatory, scientific and field specialists, together we can provide both practical (field) and regulatory (consultancy) support on the conduct of pan-European field and tunnel residue studies for environmental and consumer risk assessments.

GLP studies on bees

The aim of GLP studies on pollinators is to evaluate the environmental risks of PPP and chemicals on adult worker honey bees, honey bee larvae and bumble bees, under strict and controlled conditions. These studies are essential for protecting pollinators from harmful exposures, thereby supporting their health and the critical pollination services they provide to ecosystems and agriculture.

These trials can be done in our integrated laboratory based in France. For residue trials, we have field capacity in the Northern and Southern European Zones (capacity of 50 trials in all zones).

GLP Ecotoxicology field studies

Ecotoxicology field testing on bees involves a series of systematic experiments and observations. These tests are crucial for understanding how different substances affect bees’ health, behavior, survival, and reproduction, and for assessing the broader ecological consequences. Here’s an overview of what these field tests typically involve:

  • Brood’s tests under tunnels or in open fields according to EPPO 170 and including the calculation of brood indicators, OECD 75
  • Effects of dust from seed coating on bees
  • Determine the re-entry period for greenhouses
  • Studies of the foraging behaviour of bees in insect-proof tunnels.
  • Effects of using treated nets in Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
  • Bumble bee’s studies under semi-field and field conditions with attractive model plants such phacelia, oilseed rape, EPPO 170 modified
  • Solitary bee’s studies under semi-field and field conditions, EPPO 170 modified
  • Trials on the impact of feeding solutions on bees and their colonies, conducted through in-vitro studies, within hives, and across apiaries, Oomen et al. (1992)

GLP Laboratory studies

Laboratory tests allow researchers to examine the effects of chemicals under highly controlled conditions, minimizing external variables that are present in field tests.

Staphyt laboratory is able to conduct such studies in compliance with «Good Laboratory Practice» and according to the OECD Guidelines. The tests are designed to assess the ecotoxicity of plant protection products, biocides and other chemicals, on adult worker honey bees and bumble bees:

  • OECD 213 Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), Acute Oral Toxicity Test
  • OECD 214 Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), Acute Contact Toxicity Test
  • OECD 245 Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), Chronic Oral Toxicity Test (10-Day Feeding)
  • OECD 246 Bumble bees, Acute Contact Toxicity Test
  • OECD 247 Bumble bees, Acute Oral Toxicity Test

The Staphyt team is developing two new tests on bee larvae, available in 2024:

  • OECD 237 Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) Larval Toxicity Test, Single Exposure
  • OECD GD 239 Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) Larval Toxicity Test, Repeated Exposure

Combining field and laboratory tests provides a more comprehensive assessment of the potential risks chemicals pose to bees, enhancing the understanding of both the immediate and long-term effects of these substances under varied conditions.

Our ecotoxicologists and scientists are at your disposal to assess both the potential for exposure and effects of agrochemicals on bees. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Click here to see our Bee Team brochure.


Business Development Manager

GEP residue and field trials


Lindsay KNIGHT

Business Development Manager

GLP laboratory trials


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