Contact us

You have a question about Staphyt, its services, its expertise, its job offers:
do not hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Staphyt Group Headquarters
23 Rue de Moeuvres
62860 Inchy-en-Artois, France
+33 (0)3 21 21 45 21
LATAM Headquarters
Estrada Municipal CHL – 362 – Estrada dos Pereira,
Edif. Central – Tujuguaba – City: Conchal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil

Zip code: 13.835-000
  (11) 3032-2090
contact us identity y Staphyt

You have a question about a sector or a service offered by Staphyt:

You have a question about recruitment or any other subject:

You have a question about Staphyt, its services, its expertise, its job offers:
do not hesitate to contact us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Staphyt Group Headquarters
23 Rue de Moeuvres
62860 Inchy-en-Artois, France
+33 (0)3 21 21 45 21
LATAM Headquarters
Estrada Municipal CHL – 362 – Estrada dos Pereira,
Edif. Central – Tujuguaba – City: Conchal, Sao Paulo State, Brazil

Zip code: 13.835-000
  (11) 3032-2090

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