In 2021, Staphyt has been identified by BPI France and the French Ministry of Agriculture as an expert advisor in supporting the regulatory biocontrol diagnostic. The objective of this support offer is to finance, up to 50% of a maximum amount of € 120,000 excluding tax, the regulatory feasibility study of your biocontrol product.

Staphyt regulatory experts thus help companies to assess the feasibility of developing a biocontrol product and to carry out the first studies (GEP/GLP) in the marketing process.

What does this service offer include?

  • Preliminary studies to characterize the product and its efficacy;
  • A review of the scientific literature;
  • A preliminary risk analysis, known as “data gap analysis”,

Is your business eligible for this grant?

Eligible are SMEs and mid-cap companies wishing to develop a biocontrol product, registered in France with a workforce of less than 2,000 people and not belonging to an international industrial group of 2,000 people or more.

Do not hesitate to contact us to help you prepare your request and discuss your project together:

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