In November 2024, the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) has issued 6 new standards and revised 2 existing standards. Our experts give you details of these new releases.
General Standards:
PP 1/331 (1) Principles of efficacy extrapolations for major uses
The extrapolations for minor uses are covered in EPPO Standard PP 1/257 Efficacy and crop safety extrapolations for minor uses, but there was a lack of standard for major use. This new EPPO Standard PP 1/331 is now covering effectiveness and crop safety extrapolations of plant protection products applied for major uses.
The standard gives general principles for extrapolations for major uses for fungicide, insecticide or acaricide and for herbicide, with tree decision-making schemes.
PP 1/332 (1) Principles for recording yield data when evaluating the efficacy of fungicides and insecticides
This standard provides principles for when yield data are needed for fungicide and insecticide effectiveness and crop safety trials. These principles are also applicable for other types of plant protection products, such as nematicides and molluscicides, but not applicable to herbicides.
PP 1/333 (1) Adoption of Digital Technology for data generation for the efficacy evaluation of Plant Protection Products
This standard aims to organize the adoption of digital technology for data generation for the efficacy evaluation of plant protection products.
The drone footage and picture analyses can, from now on, be used in GEP trials as long as certification reports show on a significant amount of data that under some clear specifications digital tech and human eye reach the same level of accuracy.
Drone picture analysis has the advantage of giving a reduced variation compared to the human eye for some assessments. In addition, green factor and plot vigor is easier to rank and assess when the full plot is considered in the assessment.
Specific Standards:
Some new standards for specific uses were also released, see below:
PP 1/334 (1) Evaluation of mating disruption techniques against Lepidopteran pests in vegetable and ornamental crops under protected conditions
PP 1/335 (1) Seed wasps in almonds, pistachios and plums
PP 1/336 (1) Efficacy evaluation of herbicides used with mechanical weeders
Specific Standards:
PP 1/011 (4) Moths of grapevine
PP 1/131 (4) Diaspididae scales on pome and stone fruits
Link to the EPPO standards website:
Staphyt experts can help you navigate with these new standards and your projects. Don’t hesitate to contact us: