On the 25/01/2025, the second workshop to support the expansion of CMC 7 for Microbial Plant Biostimulants of the Fertilising Product Regulation (EU) No 2019/1009 was held by the Austrian laboratory AIT.


The aim of the study conducted by this laboratory is to assess the microorganisms propositions of inclusion and deliver the final technical report by the end of 2025. The conclusions will then be reviewed by a Commission expert group which will determine which microorganisms will or will not be added to the CMC 7 positive list.

The evaluation of microorganisms by AIT is made at strain level based on 3 criteria: commercial potential, risks to human health and the environment, and efficiency. Efficiency term refers to the evaluation of the capacity of microorganism strain to have a potential agronomic effect. This evaluation must be dissociated from the study of the claimed effect, which must be supported by the implementation of efficacy trials as recommended in the European standards  17700-1 to 17700-5.

The last point to highlight is that the purpose of the technical study is to amend the current list of microbial products in accordance with FPR requirements. This list, once amended, will allow the use of the listed microorganisms by all the economic operators in the sector. Indeed, it is not provided in FPR regulation to register a strain of microorganism and have exclusive rights to use it, as it may be the case in other regulations such as the Reg (EC) No 1107/2009.

This is a matter that operators must also consider in their strategy for developing and marketing microbial biostimulants in Europe according to FPR. Would your microbial be missing in this study that based on the European Survey that was held in 2022, then you will have to wait for the next survey unfortunately. There is no process expected for single specie or strain inclusion on a case-by-case basis.


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