Staphyt is a European leader in variety testing, offering a full range of seed services to support breeders and seed companies in the evaluation and selection of varieties.

Our seed stations, our equipment and technical teams allow us to provide our clients tailor-made services on arable crops on the major part of the European territory.

Working with you all year

Staphyt supports its clients at the key times of the year: the spring and autumn campaigns. 

The spring campaign aims to support breeders in monitoring and evaluating spring-sown crops. This campaign includes setting up variety trials adapted to spring crops, analyzing agronomic data throughout the growing season, and providing personalized technical support. 


Major crops

Maize, soybean, sunflower, sorghum, cereals, OSR, protein crops, mixture and cover crops are the main crops where the Staphyt team can help you with your projects. 


Locations all over Europe

Staphyt has experimental stations located all over Europe to carry out your trials.

Click here to check our capacities throughout Europe in all crops. 

Staphyt Seeds trials capacity in Europe


Contact our team to discuss your projects and have more details on each seed:

 Pascal BASTA, +33.(0),

Jeanne SALE, +33.(0),

Robert BAUMGARTNER, +49.(0)171.365.15.50,

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