Our agreements

Licenses, accreditations, agreements

For the complete satisfaction of our clients, our work is organized to fit their needs according to the national and international quality standards that are valid and an internal quality system.

in Europe, the Middle East and Africa

Efficacy and safety evaluation of products are managed according to GEP and GLP guidelines and/or according to the national recommendations.

Good Experimental Practices agreement (GEP)

This agreement ensures that data can be used by different registration authorities (mutual recognition, zonal evaluation) for officially recognized trial completion.

GEP is concerned with the management of efficacy evaluation trials and with the conditions under which trials should be planned, conducted, assessed, recorded and interpreted so that their results should be comparable and reliable. GEP relates to various aspects: staff qualifications, use of suitable equipment and facilities, protocols, modes of operation, recording of data.

Click here to see our GEP certificates:

austria flag  Austria

Belgium flag  Belgium

Bulgaria flag  Bulgaria

Czechia flag  Czechia Staphyt

Czechia flag  Czechia ATC

France flag  France

Germany flag  Germany

Greece flag  Greece

Hungary flag  Hungary

Italy flag  Italy

Morocco flag  Morocco

Poland flag  Poland

Romania flag  Romania

Spain flag  Spain

United Kingdom flag  United Kingdom

Good Laboratory Practices agreement (GLP)

The principles of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) define a set of rules and criteria for a quality system concerned with the organisational process and the conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental safety studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived.

Click here to see our GLP certificates:

austria flag  Austria

France flag  France

France flag  France Rovaltain

France flag  France Rovaltain Cofrac

Germany flag  Germany

Greece flag  Greece

Hungary flag  Hungary

Italy flag  Italy

Poland flag  Poland

Spain flag  Spain

United Kingdom flag  United Kingdom

Research Tax Credit

Recognition by the National Education, Higher Education and Research Ministry for Staphyt as a Research and Development Organisation regarding the research tax credit: this agreement allows our clients to get tax reductions for the studies they contract to Staphyt which reduce their costs. Staphyt has the agreement in France, Spain, Germany, Poland and UK.

Click here to see our Research Tax Credit certificates:

France flag  France

France flag  Regulatory

France flag  France Rovaltain

Germany flag  Germany

Italy flag  Italy

Poland flag  Poland

Spain flag  Spain

in Brazil

mapa icon agreements Staphyt

MAP IN 36/42 (Ministry of Agriculture Accreditation)

Staphyt Brazil is accredited in the areas of phytopathology, nematology, entomology and weeds as a research entity to carry out research and experimental tests with pesticides and the like.

mapa icon agreements Staphyt

MAP IN 53 (Ministry of Agriculture Accreditation)

Staphyt Brazil is accredited as a research entity for studies on fertilisers and the like.

inmetro icon agreements Staphyt


Recognition No. 0046, under suspension and expected to be reactivated by March 2023, for studies of pesticide residues and the like (field study).

Brazil flag  GLP

ctnbio icon agreements Staphyt

Biosafety Quality Certificate (CQB)

Staphyt Brazil is accredited for research activities in containment regime, planned release into the environment, transportation, product evaluation, disposal, teaching and storage of genetically modified plants and insects.

inmetro icon agreements Staphyt


Accreditation in progress for pesticide residue studies (field studies).

isos icon agreements Staphyt

ISO (Leisor company accreditation)

Leisor is the only agricultural consulting in Brazil accredited by ISO 9001; ISO 14001; ISO 45001 and ISO 27001.