Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 – 3:00 PM CET
Location: Online Webinar
Webinar overview
This webinar will briefly update participants on current EU regulation in minor, essential and emergency uses from the point of view of the approval-holder (including consideration of the implications of the recent European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling on the Emergency Authorisations granted in Belgium on clothianidin and thiamethoxam).
The intention of the webinar is to help answer and exchange views on such questions as:
- What are the legislative and practical differences between Minor, Essential and Emergency Uses? Why do I need to know?
- What is the difference between “plant health” and “plant protection”, and why do I need to know in this context?
- Which ones to use and when (and whether there is a choice)?
- If there is a choice, what are the relative benefits and drawbacks of one over the other?
- What is the implication of the recent ECJ ruling (19/1/2023) on the use of Emergency Authorizations?
This introduction to the topic will be followed by a Questions & Answers session.
Speaker: Garth Drury
The facilitator of the webinar is Garth Drury, Principal Consultant of 29 years’ regulatory affairs experience in Europe, having worked for both research-based and generic companies, on both new and existing active substances in plant protection and biocides markets. He currently works with Staphyt Regulatory Europe which specialises in achieving and defending pesticide registrations in Europe. He is also a trainer and regular speaker at conferences, presenting papers on a wide range of topics including biopesticide registration, task-force formation, pheromone exposure modeling, essential uses, operator safety for treated seeds, global tolerances, and anti-counterfeiting strategies.