Embrapa, the largest research institute of the Brasilian government, leads the Soybean Asian Rust Consortium, an initiative that brings together researchers and Contract Research Organizations (CROs) across the country. Annually, they conduct field trials to compare the efficacy of major fungicides in combating soybean diseases. Staphyt Brasil, with its experts Dr. Nédio Tormen and Dr. Monica Debortoli, is part of this consortium, conducting trials at our experimental stations.

Network experiments since 2003/2004

Since the 2003/2004 crop season, network experiments have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of registered and under-registration fungicides against Asian rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi). These tests analyze the performance of fungicides individually and in sequential applications, aiming to determine disease control. It is important to use this information to establish control programs, prioritizing fungicide rotation with different modes of action and adapting them to the sowing period. Avoiding sequential and curative applications is essential to reduce fungicide selection pressure.

Updated report from the 2022/2023 season

Embrapa has just released a new report containing a compilation of all the results from the cooperative trials of the 2022/2023 season. This report gathers valuable data on the efficacy of tested fungicides and provides important insights for farmers and industry professionals.

Benefits of collaborative agricultural research

The Soybean Asian Rust Consortium, led by Embrapa, plays a crucial role in seeking efficient solutions for fungal diseases control in soybean. The collaboration between different institutions and experts results in reliable and up-to-date data, enabling farmers to make informed decisions to protect their crops.

Valuable information for companies and farmers

The ongoing research conducted by the Soybean Asian Rust Consortium, with the support of Embrapa and other partners, is essential for the development of effective strategies in controlling fungal diseases in soybean. The updated results from the cooperative trials of the 2022/2023 season offer valuable information for companies and farmers, assisting them in selecting the most appropriate fungicides and implementing effective control programs. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are fundamental to the advancement of agriculture and the protection of soybean crops in Brasil.

Staphyt actively engages in studies to contribute to science

Staphyt Brasil plays a significant role in the studies and research related to Asian Rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) in the country. Through field trials and laboratory studies conducted at its three experimental stations located in different regions of Brasil, the company actively contributes to advancing knowledge in this area. The image below, from our experimental station in Goiás, included in Embrapa’s report, highlights the studies conducted by Staphyt Brasil.

You can download the report here: https://ainfo.cnptia.embrapa.br/digital/bitstream/doc/1154837/1/Circ-Tec-195.pdf

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